A family business

Monte-Solaio extra virgin olive oil has been harvested for 30 years in the purest Tuscan tradition, and is produced by the family. Produced in small quantities, it is sold on local and artisan markets.

Grown without the use of chemicals, in keeping with Tuscan olive-growing traditions, the olives are harvested by hand by members of the family every year at the beginning of November. The branches are combed one by one, tree by tree, to the sound of the cicadas, true ambassadors of the region.

The domain

With a focus on quality, Monte-Solaio extra virgin olive oil comes from 4 different varieties of olive trees (Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo, Pendolino). The trees are located on a hillside, benefiting from generous sunshine and are swept by the Mediterranean wind throughout the year.